Runtime Detection

Runtime DetectionRuntime Detection
  1. Formal Model for Runtime Detection of Feature Interaction


  2. In this paper , some modifications and a new protocol for the runtime detection are presented to enhance the efficiency and security of the original architecture .


  3. IBM Rational PurifyPlus ™ & Increase unit testing and debugging effectiveness with runtime error detection , bottleneck discovery , and code coverage analysis .


  4. When a solid regression suite is present for testing the application , incorporating a runtime error detection tool such as Purify in it is a smart thing to do .


  5. On the detection aspect , to meet the high accuracy of runtime environment failure detection , A-Hybrid detection method was proposed .


  6. Runtime memory corruption detection is essential to ensure proper functioning and high quality of native C and C + + applications on all platforms .


  7. Based on the research on the intrusion detection technology and intrusion method in common use , a solution of runtime anomaly Intrusion Detection System based on data mining is proposed in the paper .


  8. The evaluation results show that Lat-Maint algorithm effectively maintains the lattice of the environment states at runtime , and that both detection algorithms achieve runtime detection of specified properties over the lattice even when faced with dynamic changes in the pervasive computing environment .
